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Carnegie Mellon University

Fixed Term Position Management

The Office of Human Resources is updating our procedures and systems to ensure fair and consistent treatment of all fixed term employees. This includes:

  • Clear guidelines for joining, leaving and returning to the university.
  • Automatic separation at the end of an assignment unless it's formally extended or renewed.
  • Streamlined onboarding for returning employees to reflect their continued connection to the university.

On this page:

How the Process Works

  • Beginning 60 days prior to the fixed term position end date, system alerts will be delivered to supervisors and employees to remind them of the approaching end date.
    • Supervisors will receive notifications from Workday 60, 30 and 14 days in advance of an approaching fixed term position end date for their employees.
    • Fixed term employees will receive notifications from Workday 30 and 14 days in advance of their position end date.
    • ALG members will receive notifications from Workday seven and five months in advance of the end date for a fixed term faculty position. Please Note: Due to a very recent request to change the timing these notifications, these notification will begin shortly after Go Live.
  • Fourteen days prior to the fixed term position end date, if there is no action by the department to extend or renew the assignment, the separation business process will be automatically initiated in Workday and the employee will be separated as of their end date. Employees will lose access to their Andrew account and related campus services 30 days after their end date.
    • If a fixed term employee’s position is renewed or extended, the fixed term employee will maintain their access to their Andrew ID and email.
    • If a fixed term employee accepts an offer letter for a future appointment before their current end date, they will maintain their access to their Andrew ID and email. While both separation and rehire tasks will be triggered, the employee with not lose access.
  • Employees returning to the university within 365 days from their separation end date will have a streamlined onboarding experience.
    • A Rehire Journey has been created in Workday, focusing on welcoming returning employees back to the university and highlighting critical tasks they need to complete.
    • Rules within Workday will target required onboarding tasks. For example, only those who need to complete a new or updated I-9 will receive the I-9 task.

Which Employee Types Are Included in the Fixed Term Process?

  • Adjunct
  • Staff – fixed term
  • Interns
  • Recent CMU graduate – transitional job
  • Seasonal
  • Fixed term positions that are remote in the U.S.
  • Postdoctoral associate/fellow
  • Faculty with an annual contract
  • Faculty with contract of less than a year

Which Employee Types Are NOT Included in the Fixed Term Process?

  • Emeriti
  • Faculty – international contract
  • Faculty – multi-year contract
  • Faculty – tenure track
  • Faculty – tenured
  • Staff – regular
  • Unpaid courtesy
  • Student worker – CMU student
  • Contingent workers
  • All employees outside of the U.S. including remote locations outside of the U.S.



Fixed Term Employees

Department Administrators and ALG Members

Can a supervisor delegate their notifications to someone else?
No. Notifications cannot be delegated as these are tied to the supervisor role.

Whose responsibility will it be to ensure an employee’s appointment is either extended or separated?
The supervisor should work with their department contacts and their HR team to ensure employee appointments are extended or separated as needed.

How will employees receive their extension or reappointment letters?
Staff employees will receive their extension or reappointment letters through Workday. They will then be required to acknowledge the terms and conditions outlined in the extension / reappointment letter before the extension/reappointment is finalized.

Faculty members, special faculty, and adjuncts will receive their extension or reappointment letter from their department via email or hard copy. They will sign the extension / reappointment letter to accept the appointment and acknowledge the terms and conditions. The signed extension/reappointment letter is then sent by the supervisor or department contact to the HR team for processing.

Should employees be separated if there is a gap between appointments?
Yes. Employees should be separated between appointments, no matter how small the gap.

Will I receive alerts for an upcoming end date for the fixed term employee I supervise if they have a position in another department?
If an employee has multiple positions, the supervisor associated with the position that is ending will receive the alert.

The employee will not be separated from the university if they have continuing positions in another department. However, the expiring position will be ended if it is not extended.

How often should I check my dashboard?
Please check your dashboard regularly, and at least once a month.

What should I do if a separated employee hasn’t entered all of their time worked?
Reach out to your timekeeper who can assist with entering these hours.

If I am extending an employee who has an existing flexible work arrangement (FWA), is the FWA automatically extended?
No. A flexible work arrangement extension request will need to be submitted in Workday.

Will I need to request access again if the rehired employee requires role assignments such as time approver in Workday?
Yes. Workday role assignments are removed at the time of separation. The supervisor should request access when the employee is rehired. Refer to the Supervisory Organization Request Guide [pdf] or contact your HR team for more information.

How can I view more fixed term employees in the dashboard?
If you have more fixed term employees than are visible in the dashboard, view more will run the fixed term report for a full listing.

What happens to an employee’s Workday and other access if they are separated?
Access to Workday will end at 11:59 p.m. on their separation date. The employee may request limited access to Workday to view pay slips and tax forms, and update contact information. Employees should contact HR Services to request access. If the employee is rehired, once that process is complete, they will again have employee access to Workday.

Access to other university computing resources is managed by Identity Services and the resource owners. For most employees, access to Andrew email and other services will continue for 30 days after separation. During this period, employees can continue to access their Andrew account, send and receive email, and access other campus services that are secured via an active Andrew account.

What notifications do business managers receive?
If the business manager is the department contact who works with the Office of Human Resources Team, they will have access to reporting on fixed term appointments with upcoming end dates via the Department Administrator Dashboard. They can also work with their HR generalist for any specific requests.

If the business manager is not the department Office of Human Resources contact, the business manager should work with the designated department administrator to coordinate any necessary activities.

What happens if the separation is initiated (14 days out) before an extension can be finalized? Can the separation be cancelled?
Please work with your HR generalist. Note that they will need documentation to confirm the extension or renewal to halt the separation process.

If the auto-separation process for a fixed term employee is completed before the business office is able to finalize a renewal, and the employee is separated, what is the process to reinstate the employee?
All positions for which external recruiting is to occur must be posted in one of the university applicant tracking systems (Workday or Interfolio). The only exception would be if a faculty member held an active appointment within the last 365 days; no posting is required for the rehiring of that former employee. No such exception applies to staff. Departments are encouraged to be proactive in addressing appointment end dates to avoid auto-separation and the need to post positions.

Who should I contact if I have not heard about whether or not my appointment will be extended?
You should reach out to your supervisor for additional information.

How will I receive my extension or reappointment letter?
Staff employees will receive their extension/reappointment letter via Workday. Staff should review this task in their Workday inbox, as action is required. To view your letter from your Workday homepage, access "My Tasks" in the top right corner, or view the "Awaiting Your Action" section. Staff must acknowledge the terms and conditions outlined in the extension/reappointment letter before the extension/reappointment is finalized. 

Faculty, special faculty and adjuncts will continue to receive their extension/reappointment letter from their department via email or hard copy.

What should I do to ensure that I have access to the system(s) that I need?
Please reach out to the system owner about your specific system access inquiry during your time away from Carnegie Mellon University. Once your rehire has been processed in our HRIS system Workday, you can expect to have access to various systems again no later than midnight on your hire (rehire) date.

Am I still eligible for benefits after my fixed term appointment ends?
Fixed term employees are only eligible for their benefits during the term and dates of employment as outlined in their offer letter. In most circumstances, employees can continue benefits coverage through COBRA.

If I’m a returning employee (rehired within 365 days), previously had benefits and my new position is also benefits-eligible, how will I be impacted?
Eligible returning employees will be re-enrolled in benefits with coverage active and effective the first of the month following their hire date. If applicable, eligible employees must enroll in benefits within 30 days of their rehire date (or the day they become eligible). Benefit elections will be effective for the remainder of the calendar year unless the employee experiences a qualified life or family status change mid-year. Please review this task in your Workday inbox, as action may be required.

How can I get a copy of my extension or renewal letter?
Please discuss with your direct supervisor.

If I have a question or concern about my extension letter, who should I contact?
Please discuss with your direct supervisor.

What happens to my Workday and other access if I am separated?
Access to Workday will end at 11:59 p.m. on your separation date. You may request limited access to Workday to view pay slips and tax forms, and update contact information. Contact HR Services to request access. If you are rehired, once that process is complete, you will again have employee access to Workday.

Access to other university computing resources is managed by Identity Services and the resource owners. For most employees, access to Andrew email and other services will continue for 30 days after separation. During this period, you can continue to access your Andrew account, send and receive email and access other campus services that are secured via an active Andrew account.